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Naomi's Gift: An Amish Christmas Story Page 5

  She looked across the room. Sadie gave her a nasty look that seemed to say she should stay away, which sent a cold chill up Naomi’s spine. Sadie then said something to Irene who glanced down at Susie and gave her a forced smile. She wondered what Sadie was saying, and for a split second she felt a pang of jealousy. She wanted to spend more time with Susie, but she pushed the thought away. Why should she feel any connection to a child who would soon return to her home in another state?

  “What’s on your mind, Naomi?” Lilly asked.

  “Nothing.” Naomi turned her attention back to the plate of cookies in front of her, but her appetite had evaporated after hearing the story of Susie’s mother.

  “You like her, don’t you?” Lilly asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Susie,” Lilly said. “You care about her.”

  “Of course I do,” Naomi said simply. “She’s a sweet little girl who lost her mamm. It’s difficult not to care about her. I feel sorry for her.”

  “But you feel something deep for her,” Lilly pressed on. “I can see it in your eyes. And she’s attached to you as well.”

  Naomi avoided Lilly’s stare by examining the crumbs on her plate. “Maybe Susie will want to write letters to me. Hopefully she will come to visit again soon.”

  “Naomi.” Lilly touched her arm. “It’s okay to say that you care about the kind and want to get to know her better. Perhaps you should talk to her dat.”

  “What are you trying to get at?” Naomi asked with suspicion.

  “You and the girl get along.” Lilly shrugged. “Maybe the dat needs some company too after losing his fraa.”

  Naomi sighed. “We’ve discussed this. I’m not looking for love, and it’s wrong to prey on a widower.”

  “Prey on him?” Lilly laughed. “How is it preying on him if you go and talk to him and tell him that you enjoy spending time with his dochder?”

  Naomi glowered at her. “I know what you’re thinking. You want me to try to court him, and I won’t do it. I refuse to be called the maedel who runs after every eligible bachelor. My mamm called me that, and it didn’t feel nice at all. Besides that, he’s connected to the Kauffmans. I think it’s time I give up on the Kauffman men. If I ever do court again, it will be a man who is in no way related to the Kauffmans. Maybe he won’t even know the Kauffmans.” She turned back to Susie, who was smiling up at Irene. “Please just drop it.”

  “Fine,” Lilly said with a sigh. “But I have a feeling about this, Naomi. I can’t shake the idea that you and Susie’s dat—”

  “Lilly,” Naomi seethed. “Stop.”

  “Fine, fine.” Lilly waved off the thought.

  Naomi shook her head and wondered if Lilly could somehow be right about the connection Naomi felt toward Susie.

  Caleb climbed the steps to the bakery. “It feels like I was just here yesterday,” he said, glancing around the wraparound porch. “It looks the same as it did when we were kids.”

  “Ya, my mamm loves it and keeps it running with several of her daughters. We fix it up and repaint every spring.” Timothy yanked the door open and they stepped into the bakery, which was bustling with women and girls who were laughing while straightening, sweeping, and cleaning.

  “I guess we missed the party,” Timothy said.

  Caleb chuckled. “Ya, it sure looks like —”

  “Dat!” Susie ran over, interrupting his words. “Dat!”

  He bent down, and she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. Holding onto her, he closed his eyes and smiled. Oh, how he cherished his sweet little girl. “Did you have fun?” he asked.

  “Ya!” She beamed. “I ate so many cookies! And I sat and talked to Naomi, my new freind.” She pointed across the room to where Naomi stood with another young woman. “She’s the one who makes the quilts at the farmers market.” Taking his hand, Susie yanked him. “Come meet her.”

  “Okay,” Caleb said. “Slow down.”

  Holding her hand, he followed her across the room. Naomi’s gaze met his, and he was almost certain he glimpsed a flash of panic in her eyes before she glanced away. He wondered what that brief expression meant. Did his presence bother her?

  “You’ll like my new freind,” Susie said, pulling Caleb toward Naomi.

  “Caleb!” Sadie’s voice called as she approached.

  Caleb stepped toward Naomi, who looked up at him. As he opened his mouth to speak to Naomi, Sadie stepped in front of him and grabbed his arm.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Sadie said, turning him toward her. “Irene is here too. I know she would love to talk to you.” She pushed him toward Irene, who stood with Sarah Rose Troyer and Rebecca Kauffman.

  Susie grabbed his hand and tried to pull him backward. “Dat,” she began with a huff, “I wanted you to meet mei freind.”

  “Susie,” Caleb said, looking into her disappointed eyes. “I’ll be just a moment.”

  “Irene was just telling me that her dat does have an opening for a new buggy mechanic,” Sadie continued. “Right, Irene?”

  Irene’s smile was almost coy. “Ya, that’s true, Caleb. I would be froh to introduce you.”

  “She’s leaving!” Susie said. She stamped her foot and marched back toward Naomi.

  Caleb opened his mouth to correct Susie’s disrespectful display, but he didn’t get a chance to speak. Instead, Irene continued chatting on about her father’s shop, and Caleb wanted to interject. He waited for her to take a breath, but her words were strung together like a buggy wheel: no beginning, no end. He nodded, feigning interest, but his mind was set on a polite escape. He turned in the direction of Susie, and he spotted his daughter waving to Naomi as she headed out the front door with a woman about her age and three younger girls. He gave a sigh of defeat as he looked at Irene, who was still talking.

  “I wanted you to meet mei freind,” Susie said to Caleb while snuggling down in the bed next to her cousin later that evening.

  “I know, but you were very disrespectful when you yelled and stamped your foot like a boppli.” Caleb brushed a lock of brown hair back from Susie’s forehead. “I’m certain I will talk to her before we leave.”

  “I’m sorry I acted like a boppli, but I was just disappointed. Naomi is really nice.” Susie nodded with emphasis. “She said she’s going to teach me to quilt.”

  Caleb smiled. “Is that so?”

  “Ya.” Susie glanced at Janie, who also nodded. “She’s very pretty.”

  Ya, she is. He pushed that thought away.

  “Tomorrow is the school program,” Susie said. “I hope Naomi is there. Maybe you can meet her then.”

  He nodded. “Maybe so.”

  “Naomi will be there. Her sisters, Levina and Sylvia, go to the school. The Christmas program will be fun,” Janie chimed in. “Susie is going to help us with the singing.”

  “That’s gut.” Caleb smiled at his niece. “It’s time to get some sleep.” Leaning over, he kissed Susie’s cheek. “I’m glad you had fun today.” He said good night to his nieces and then headed for the door.

  As he descended the stairs, he contemplated Naomi. Susie was correct: Naomi was pretty. And he hoped his next encounter with the mysterious woman wasn’t hijacked by his elder sister. In fact, he decided at that moment that he would make it a point to speak to the young woman who had his daughter so captivated.


  The following afternoon, Naomi shivered and pulled her cloak closer to her body while she trudged through the blowing snow from her family’s buggy toward the one-room schoolhouse. Levina stumbled beside her, and Naomi grabbed her arm, steadying her younger sister on her feet as they moved through the swirling snow.

  Irma, Naomi’s mother, fell in step beside her. “I didn’t think this snow was predicted for today. I thought the paper said the snow would start tomorrow.”

  Shaking her head, Naomi tightened her grip on her bag filled with treats and candies for the children who would perform the Christmas program. Each
year, the teacher wrote the program, and the students practiced to get it just right. “No, I didn’t think the snow was supposed to start before this evening.”

  Her brothers ran ahead, laughing and slipping through the snow.

  “Slow down, boys,” Titus, her father, bellowed. He shook his head. “They have such energy.”

  “Ya,” Irma said, taking his hand. “They do. They get it from you.” She gave Titus a sweet smile.

  Naomi swallowed a sigh at the sweet sign of affection. She’d always admired the relationship her parents shared. She hoped that someday she’d find that kind of love and affection in a husband. She pushed the thought away since she believed in her heart that love wasn’t in God’s plan for her. Thinking about it too much would put her in a blue mood, and she needed to stay upbeat so she could enjoy the program.

  A line of families moved slowly up the road through the snow toward the schoolhouse. Naomi couldn’t help but think that the scene looked like a painting. The sky above them was gray, and the snow resembled a beautiful white fog engulfing the families who moved through it like apparitions dressed in dark cloaks and coats, some carrying gas lanterns, which glowed in the dark winter afternoon. The white, one-room schoolhouse was covered in the blowing snow, and buggies peppered with large, white flakes surrounded the little building.

  They reached the schoolhouse at the end of the path, and Naomi shivered while stepping into the large room. A coal-burning stove provided warmth from the blustering cold afternoon. Rows of desks, benches, and folding chairs filled the center of the room, which was packed with children and their families. Paper snowflakes hung like mobiles fluttering from the ceiling, and drawings, including nativity scenes, angels, wreaths, and candles decked the walls. Similar drawings filled the blackboard at the front of the room. A makeshift curtain consisting of a few sheets hanging over twine hung at the front of the classroom in front of a raised platform that served as a stage next to the teacher’s desk.

  Naomi, Lizzie Anne, and her mother sat on an available bench. Her father and Elam, her eldest brother at the age of nineteen, joined the men at the back of the room. Since Lizzie Anne had completed eighth grade last year, she’d graduated and was no longer a student at the school. Naomi greeted friends and chatted about the cold weather, while scanning the crowd consisting of members of her church district and families she’d known since her family moved to this district when she was sixteen, eight years ago.

  Sylvia, Levina, and a group of their schoolmates hurried through the room, passing out handwritten pieces of paper with the schedule of program events, including Christmas-themed poems, songs, and skits. Naomi smiled, remembering her own happy memories of Christmas programs she’d participated in during eight years of school. She’d relished participating in the program with the other children. It was one of the highlights of every school year.

  A mutter fell over the crowd and then the voices were silent.

  “Good afternoon,” Lena, the teacher, said. “Danki for coming to our program. The scholars have worked very hard, and we hope you enjoy it.” She then glanced around the room. “Okay, kinner. Let’s begin!”

  The students lined up at the front of the classroom, the older children in back and the younger up front. Naomi spotted Susie standing with her cousins. When her gaze met Naomi’s, she waved and grinned, and Naomi’s heart warmed.

  While children sang a round of Christmas carols, Naomi couldn’t help but join in, as did many of the adults surrounding her. After the carols, the teacher rang a bell, and the children began acting out their skits and reciting their poems.

  When Naomi’s youngest brothers and group of friends presented impressions of their favorite animals, Naomi laughed and glanced at her smiling mother. She cut her eyes toward the men in the back of the room and found Caleb watching her, his eyes intense. With her cheeks blazing, Naomi turned back to the front of the room. She wished the sight of the widower didn’t turn her insides to mush, but his eyes had mysterious power over her.

  After several more skits, the program came to an end with another round of Christmas carols. The children invited the audience to join in, and Naomi tried to concentrate on the songs. However, her thoughts were focused on Caleb’s intense green eyes and how they caused her body to warm.

  As “Joy to the World” came to a close, the audience clapped and the children beamed.

  Lena moved to the front of the room, her young face shining with a smile. “Danki for coming to our program,” she said. “Please don’t forget that Sadie Kauffman has invited us to come to her home for a little party. Frehlicher Grischtdaag!”

  While conversations broke out around her, Naomi’s stomach flip-flopped. She hoped she could convince her mother to skip the party in order to avoid more idle and awkward conversation with the Kauffmans.

  Her mother leaned over. “I didn’t know that we were going to Sadie’s or I would’ve brought a covered dish.”

  Naomi shrugged. “Oh well. We can give out the candy and then head home. I’m sure the children are tired and —”

  “Naomi.” Her mother squeezed her hand. “It’s Christmas. I’m certain Sadie will understand that we forgot a covered dish. It’s about fellowship. The kinner will love being with their freinden a while longer.”

  Naomi shook her head, determined to avoid fellowship at Sadie’s home. “Ach, I don’t —”

  “Naomi!” Susie rushed over and grabbed Naomi’s sleeve. “I’m so froh you’re here! I was hoping you’d see the program. Wasn’t it great? What’s your favorite Christmas carol? Mine is ‘O Little Town of Bethlehem.’ When I was little, I used to sing it all the time. How about you? Do you like to sing?”

  Susie’s father approached with a gentle smile. “Susie, you have to give her a chance to answer a question before you spout off six more.”

  The little girl giggled. “Ya, I guess you’re right. Let’s start with the most important question: What’s your favorite Christmas carol?”

  Although she was aware of Caleb’s stare, Naomi kept her eyes on Susie. “My favorite is ‘O Little Town of Bethlehem’ too.”

  “That’s wunderbaar gut! It was my mamm’s too!” Susie grabbed Caleb’s hand and yanked him closer. “This is my dat. His name is Caleb.” She glanced up at her father. “Dat, this is mei freind Naomi I’ve been telling you about. She likes to quilt, bake, and sing, just like Mamm did!”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Naomi.” His smile was warm as he held out his hand. “I’ve heard an awful lot about you.”

  With her heart in her throat, Naomi hesitated for a split second before taking his hand. The warm feel of his skin caused her breath to pause as her eyes locked with his.

  “Are you coming over to my Aenti Sadie’s house?” Susie asked, breaking the trance.

  “Oh,” Naomi said, pulling her hand back. “I don’t know. I think I —”

  “Please?” Susie’s eyes were hopeful.

  Naomi glanced up at Caleb.

  “I think it’s going to be a nice time,” he said.

  Nodding, Naomi finally gave in and smiled. “I’ll be there after I help my mamm round up my siblings.”

  Gripping two mugs of Robert’s homemade hot cider, Caleb weaved through the crowd in Sadie’s family room for a second time and then back into the knot of people in the kitchen. He scanned the faces in search of Naomi’s pretty smile. She’d seemed hesitant to join him and Susie at Sadie’s house; however, she’d gathered up her siblings and steered them out the schoolhouse door and into the falling snow.

  While her parents took their buggy to the house, Naomi and her siblings had walked the short distance from the schoolhouse to Sadie’s home. He’d lost track of her amongst the group during the trek down the road toward Sadie’s house, but he’d seen her younger sisters running around the house with Susie and a group of children. He hoped Naomi had chosen to stay with them. He was determined to speak to her for longer than that brief introduction they’d shared at the schoolhouse. He’d
been captivated by her beautiful brown eyes and dimple while he’d watched her smiling and laughing during the children’s program. Her warm handshake stirred something deep in his soul, a feeling he hadn’t experienced since he’d lost Barbara.

  When he spotted Naomi standing by the back door, his steps quickened. She was still wearing her cloak, and he hoped she wasn’t planning to hurry out the back door before they spoke again.

  Moving toward her, he cleared his throat. “Naomi,” he said, slipping between two laughing little boys.

  “Oh, Caleb,” she said. “Hi.” Her cheeks flamed a bright pink. It seemed she was always blushing. He couldn’t help but wonder if she always blushed in a man’s presence. Whatever the reason, he found it adorable, and he was certain Naomi wasn’t the temptress his sister had described.

  “I hope you aren’t planning on leaving.” He held out one of the mugs. “I brought you some of Robert’s famous hot cider. It’s the best I’ve ever had.”

  “Danki.” She sipped from the cup and smiled. “Ya, it is gut. It’s even better than my dat’s, but I would never tell him that.”

  Caleb laughed. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a group of young girls who ran by screeching through the kitchen on their way to the stairs leading to the second floor. Leaning in close to Naomi, he inhaled her flowery scent that must’ve been from her soap or shampoo. “Do you mind the cold?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Cold is fine.”

  “Want to go sit on the porch so we can hear each other speak?” He nodded toward the back door. “Then we don’t have to compete with the kinner. I’m surprised Robert hasn’t yelled for the kinner to keep it down, but I guess he knows he can’t control the crowd.”

  “It is loud in here. Sitting outside sounds gut,” she said.

  He held the door open for her and followed her out onto the sweeping, wraparound porch. She lowered herself onto a bench and shivered.

  “Bad idea?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “It’s nice out here. The house was getting stuffy.” She gestured toward the snowflakes dancing across the white pasture. “From the looks of those clouds, this snow may not stop any time soon.”